What thoughts does the word LOVE evoke within you? Does it invoke sensations of tranquility and comfort? Or do they stir sentiments of anguish, deception, or apathy? Numerous individuals are raised with idealized notions of love and romance, akin to the fairy tales they encounter. This occurrence is unsurprising due to the exposure of children to fairy tales and films featuring figures like Prince Charming and Princess Perfect from an early age. Many of them grow up with the belief that once they discover their own Prince Charming or Princess Perfect, their lives will proceed in a state of perpetual happiness. Nevertheless, when these children mature into adults and initiate romantic relationships, a significant number of them find themselves grappling with disillusionment. They come to realize that romantic relationships do not unfold within the fantastical realms of their imagination, but rather in the realm of practical reality. This revelation can elicit feelings of betrayal and prompt some to renounce romantic love, deeming it a source of pain that lacks worth. Others might internalize a sense of unworthiness, while a third group might adopt a cynical stance and shut themselves off from it. The essence of romantic love extends beyond the quest for Prince Charming or Princess Perfect. It is not a pursuit for securing an eternal state of happiness. It does not emanate solely from our partners; it is an endeavor we foster ourselves. The capacity to forge a romantic relationship suffused with enchantment lies within your grasp! However, it's really important not to only depend on things outside of you to create this special feeling. The power to make it happen is in your control, and the love comes from your own feelings. When you combine feeling strong and confident with love, something wonderful happens!
Here is a guide to initiate your journey towards cultivating an ideal romantic relationship or infusing more love and romance if you are already committed (including marriage).
Cultivate self-love. This mantra bears repetition: Love yourself. The capacity to attract profound love or sustain it hinges upon your self-love. In instances where self-love is deficient, there is an unconscious anticipation for partners to fill this void. This dynamic is injurious to the relationship. In terms of energy dynamics, an absence of self-love invites partners also yearning for completion. Relationships where both parties depend on each other for wholeness are destined for transitory existence. Even if endurance is achieved, the initial chemistry often wanes once the courtship phase concludes. Hence, commence the practice of cherishing yourself. Perfection is not a prerequisite; embracing yourself in entirety, imperfections included, suffices. Nurture confidence in your essence. This disposition will facilitate the attraction of a wholesome romantic bond.
Engage in daily self-healing through Reiki. This stands as the foremost and simplest approach to shape the love you desire. Numerous individuals are attuned to Reiki, yet not all dedicate themselves to daily self-healing. This practice facilitates the maintenance of your energies in a pristine state. Reiki aids in the mending of personal baggage that might obstruct your path to love. It also enables the release of individuals and situations that no longer serve your highest good, thus paving the way for fresh energies. Hence, if you are entangled with a partner whose regard for love in the relationship is limited, Reiki can aid in severing this connection, thereby enabling you to seek a more fitting partnership.
Compile a catalog of attributes you aspire to share with your romantic partner, infusing it with Reiki energy each day. Permit Reiki to guide you towards your ideal match. The pursuit of a partner wholly aligned with your disposition in every aspect is likely impractical, if not tedious. Yet, it is judicious to seek companionship that aligns with your interests, aspirations, and dreams—especially in the pivotal elements of daily life. If your aspirations involve children but your partner's inclinations do not, disharmony could ensue. If you value academic pursuits, compatibility with an equally scholarly individual might foster greater harmony than a partnership with a DJ or movie star, and vice versa.
If you are ensconced in a contented relationship or marriage but yearn to rekindle the flame, train yourself to perceive your relationship afresh. Recall the exhilaration that accompanied the initial encounter with your partner. Despite minor disparities, everything seemed harmonious. Why should these trifling differences metamorphose into obstacles now? Embrace your partner with their attributes intact. Commemorate your diversities. Anchor your focus in love. As you gaze upon your partner or spouse, do so from the vantage point of your heart chakra, not your ego. Sense the love radiating from your heart chakra, enfolding this individual precisely as they are. This practice yields potency, guaranteeing the unhindered flow of affection within the relationship.
Recognize your entitlement to a meaningful romantic bond. Romantic love isn't solely a terrain of betrayal and suffering. In opposition to prevailing notions, the intensity of romantic love doesn't wane over time. By taking charge of your romantic life, you possess the means to manifest enchantment. You can relish love and romance throughout your lifetime, witnessing its amplification with each passing year spent with your beloved.