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A little about myself

After years of feeling unfulfilled in the corporate world, I ventured on a self-discovery and transformative journey, becoming a certified holistic healer and discovering a new sense of purpose and meaning in life. Now highly skilled in various healing modalities like Reiki, Tarot reading, Angel healing, Access Bars, Talk to the entities, Bach flower remedies, crystal healing, and advanced Shamanic techniques, I am passionate about empowering others to live more aware, authentic, and fulfilling lives.

My approach is rooted in the power of consciousness and oneness, and I am passionate about empowering others to live more aware, authentic, and fulfilling lives. In addition to my healing work, I also offer counseling and life coaching sessions to support others on their own journeys of self-discovery and transformation. I believe that true beauty comes from embracing one's authentic self, and I invite others to choose for themselves and become the best version of themselves.

Shwetha Sathyanarayana

Venture Yourself

Life moves fast, leaving little time for self-discovery. Amid errands, work, and commitments, it's easy to neglect this essential aspect. However, taking a moment to consider the life we truly desire is invaluable. Despite our busy routines, committing to self-discovery is the first step. This journey demands focus, action, and prioritizing our needs. So, let's begin by defining what Venture yourself entails. What is Venture yourself? Venture yourself is the process of understanding your true self, including your values, needs, and preferences. It involves delving deeper into your life to identify what energizes you and brings joy. This ongoing journey leads to finding your life purpose and authenticity in both personal and professional spheres. While it requires courage and resilience, Venture yourself offers numerous benefits like improved emotional regulation, better relationships, stress management, empathy, self-control, creativity, and self-esteem. Taking the first step is crucial to embark on this transformative journey. Discovering your true self boosts confidence in decision-making across all aspects of life by providing a deep understanding of yourself. You become the best judge of what suits you. To enhance self-awareness. Begin by taking moments to reflect on your progress each day, celebrating the small victories and learning from the challenges. Identify the activities that energize and inspire you, as well as those that drain your energy, allowing you to make conscious choices about how you spend your time. Envision your desired self, setting clear goals and aspirations to guide your path. Follow your passions and interests fearlessly, as they lead you towards fulfillment and authenticity. Confront your inner critic and banish self-doubt, recognizing your inherent worth and capabilities. Embrace a purposeful life, aligning your actions with your values and vision. And during difficult times, remind yourself of the strength and resilience that resides within you, drawing upon this inner power to navigate adversity with grace and determination. Through this transformative process of self-awareness, you'll discover a profound sense of empowerment and clarity, paving the way towards a more fulfilling and authentic existence. Why is it important? Self-discovery is crucial for leading more meaningful lives, enabling better self-care and potentially finding a fulfilling career aligned with our true selves. Understanding our social needs and desires can lead to deeper connections with others. It provides clarity for shaping a future that supports our well-being and passions. By recognizing strengths and weaknesses, we can focus on personal growth. The process of self-discovery empowers us to identify talents and passions, leading to clearer career paths and increased success. Moreover, the impact of this journey extends to enriching relationships with friends, coworkers, and family, as authenticity enhances our ability to connect and support others. Begin your self-discovery journey today to unlock your true potential and live a more passionate and fulfilling life. The road to Venturing yourself varies for each person but offers valuable benefits for becoming your true self. Here are advantages you can experience: 1.Enhanced creativity through self-expression and self-identity. 2.More Self-love and Reduced self-criticism, accepting mistakes as part of being human. 3.Better focus on your true desires, setting and achieving goals aligned with your authentic self. 4.Increased self-confidence, allowing you to embrace challenges and grow as you continue your journey of self-improvement. 5.Improved relationships as you understand your values and address deeper issues. Venture yourself is an ongoing journey that may take months or even years. To stay engaged and learn during this process, stay organized with your goals, use journal prompts, seek inspiration from podcasts and books, and ask yourself introspective questions. It's essential to reflect on your past as well, and don't hesitate to seek support from friends and family. Embrace the discomfort of asking challenging questions and be proud of yourself for taking this leap. If you need extra accountability, Venture Yourself can provide a supportive system to help you reach new heights.

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Shwetha has been & is pivotal in helping me better understand the challenges in my life. She is honest and will give you the tough love that you need. Her resources and tools are concrete and solid, exactly what you require. Her personal sessions gave me clarity and confidence and much needed push, I'm glad to have taken the leap. I would like to express my gratitude to Shwetha for the insights and contributions she has provided. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to move forward in their lives in an independent empowered way.


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